Different Colors, One People
Founder Note
As Africa, visualizing our future can be a hit or miss. Our past and our true history have been neglected, blotted out, & well misrepresented through rewritten books, movies, TV Shows and the biased News medias’ narratives. Most people have written us off like a worthless piece of furniture. We have been overlooked, despised, disregarded, rejected, disrespected, disdained, scorned, belittled, attacked and abused to mention but a few.
God is doing something special in the African Continent and it’s our job not to just witness it but to join in building a better tomorrow creating African solutions for African problems. The African Revealed is one piece of what we aim to accomplish.
Our working vision is simple, “Through a holistic lifestyle approach we will build a world future generations will be proud of by transforming mindsets, lifestyles, and how we are viewed as Africans.”
As Africans, we have lost more than just our brothers, our sisters, our natural resources and identity, we have lost our very purpose. Rewriting our story from our perspective starts now.
The effects of Colonialism have been felt for several generations after the first “missionary” came to Africa. Africa needs to go through a healing transformation; in order to rediscover her true identity. To heal the past, we must first address it in a sober manner, then confront the present and take responsibility without weaponizing everything we touch. It might be discomforting but it is a necessity that can’t just be wished away.
Join us as we build our future, by creating an impact that will affect our destiny for generations to come.
Billy Agaba
The African Revealed magazine
About us
This is the beginning of what will become the change we want to see in the world. We believe greater things will follow if we keep true to our vision. This will result in changes that will impact Africans globally throughout future generations. The most innovative Africans are learning through experience. They are observing the current world in which we live, identifying the problems that exist, and creating ingenious solutions through carefully planned observations and thoughtful reflections. With this mentality they will be able to transition from being exceptional to the standard norm across the African continent and diaspora. The African Revealed exists to illustrate Africa’s potential and demonstrate her ability and natural right to contend on a global scale.
Our mission is to help many rediscover their true identities and reveal the identity of Africa to those who have been fed a constant diet of misinformation. Through the African Revealed we aim to highlight the unique contributions of Africa’s people including those who have been most overlooked and unseen. To give a voice to the everyday African regardless of their location or status. If you as a reader leave inspired, revived, and motivated, then as the African Revealed, we have achieved our mission. Let us go forth in our everyday livelihoods and take the next step of faith up the staircase… See where it leads.
“Don’t wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”
-Alan Cohen
The African Revealed Publishers
The African Diaspora
April 2023
Why is the African diaspora crucial to the continent's future?
Medicinal Plants Only Found In Africa
Changing the African Education System
Clara Miranda
Bonny Musibhulo Opapu
Decolonizing the African Mind
The Best Travel Secrets
African Etiquette
Cultural Values You Need to Know Before You Travel
How Africans Feel About Democracy
Mary Abayomrunkoje
Different Colors, One People
Amaal Rezk
Exclusive Dinning with
Master Chef Eunice Sebikaari
Crafted by master chef Eunice Sebikaari
using the finest ingredients
Served with care and passion
African Business Directory
Free Registration
Since January 2023, we have been reaching out to different African Businesses with a vision of creating a Comprehensive Business Database that contains African Founded, African Owned, African Run or African Based Businesses.
Creating this Directory geared toward African interests is the first step. We know this is a good starting point - highlighting African Businesses in and outside the Continent.
To get the most from this Directory; You must be an already established legal business entity with some form of online presence where people around the world can easily reach you directly in a reasonable fashion and time frame.
The African Revealed Business Directory is an annual publication with six months Updates. We will therefore publish this directory continually with subsequent editions moving forward. Thus, new entries are always welcome and will show up in the Updated listing in the future editions.
First Business Directory Publication: January, 2024
(c) 2024. The African Revealed & Co.
All Rights Reserved.
Business Directory
Third Edition
January 2025
Africans are the World’s hope and Future
A rising number of Africans are creating new and innovative products & services that are starting to catch the world’s attention
Media Kit
A Multifaceted marketing strategy and promotional campaign to increase your brand Impression and Visibility
Page 2
The African Revealed Publishers
Different Colors, One People
An International Audience and Diversity as our Target Market
magazine GUIDE
African diversity
more captivating content without sacrificing our values & concepts.
Different persona
These Are some Examples of our Target Audience.
Target Audience
Different Personas
With an International Audience; Africa actually holds a special place in human kindness, acceptance, embrace and assimilation. Africa and the diaspora continue to build bridges in their relationships, and forge closer ties with her sister continents.